Kid Scoop News

For Educators

Educator Visits Kindergarten Class in Sioux City

Jeanette Hopkins works for the Sioux City Journal. She has a thriving NIE Program and often visits schools to encourage newspaper reading.

“I worked with a kindergarten class this morning. We talked about Kid Scoop and the Kinder Kids Page we do in the monthly … they are one of the kinder kids’ classes.

The students were all at their tables when I arrived. They were looking through the February issue … one student was doing the word search … one was doing the writing part of the primary page … they were looking for their names. 🙂

The teacher uses the magazine in a number of ways. She had listed the sight words and had the students look through a few pages for the sight words. This is a bilingual school and several students were practicing days of the week in Spanish. The students were also looking for number words … and several were finishing the sentence ‘Drums are …’

One child was also looking at the sponsorships and finding places that he knew. This teacher is introducing the newspaper and magazine in a very engaging way, and guaranteeing that the students will keep reading. She sends in writings for the Kid Scoop page every week … so her students are all mentioned in the paper several times during the year.

I brought each child their own section so they could take it home and share where it is found each week….and the class connections. This one had butterflies, which is covered in the primary classrooms … so extremely relevant.”