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Editor's Pick

Read With Your Child: A Hanukkah Read Aloud

Hanukkah begins on Christmas Eve this year. That means people of both the Christian and Jewish faiths will be celebrating at the same time.

Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins was a favorite of my boys when they were younger. As you read it aloud, take some time to stop reading and discuss what might happen next—a good way to foster thinking about cause and effect and making predictions—skills they need in school (and life).

This is a creative adaptation of the ancient Hanukkah story in which the Greeks forbade the Jewish people to practice their religious beliefs. In this tale, a group of goblins prevents a town from celebrating Hanukkah, until brave Hershel outsmarts them and rescues the town. It also explains some of the Hanukkah traditions along the way.