Kid Scoop News

Learning Tip of the Month

Homework – do you feel like a battalion chief?

You have great plans for easygoing summer days, happy children and fun-filled times for the whole family. But there’s still your work to do, extra activities for the kids and everything that makes up your day-to-day schedules. So how do you pull it all off?

To increase your chances of a super summer, here are a few easy acupressure points that will help you and your kids experience everything you want — fun, productivity and cooperation.

Cup the left shoulder with the right hand and hold the left fingers at the base of the right ribcage. This helps let go of any frustration, so there is more room for enjoyment. Then place both hands simultaneously at top of the calves. This will help with calming and letting go of angst — and it will even help the body cool down from a sunburn!

Deborah Myers, founder of Health at Your Fingertips, teaches people of all ages how to use the Daily Clean Your House Flow to support good health and well-being. After finding relief from chronic back pain, she made the commitment to share what she learned with others.