Kid Scoop News

Learning Tip of the Month

Lap Top Reading Inspires a Love of Reading!

Instead of reading on an electronic laptop, simply invite your child to sit on your lap and read together!

Tips for Reading Aloud with Your Kids

Whether they sit on your lap or not, reading aloud with your kids is a chance to instill a life-long love of reading. It will inspire them to read more often and will help them to read better, too!

Create interest in the story by discussing the cover and/or title. Before you open the book, read the title of the book. Ask your child to predict what the book will be about. Make sure they know that there’s no right or wrong answer, that you are just predicting. And ask questions that require more of a response than simply yes or no. “What do you think will happen next? Why do you think the character did that? Have you ever felt the way the character does?”

Have fun. Use different voices for each character. With your child, stop and act out parts of the book.

Take your time. Stop reading to answer questions your child asks. There’s no rush to finish the story. In fact, if your child is not interested in the story,
stop and find a different one.

Taking time to read to your not only child builds your bond, it also awakens the magic of reading!