Kid Scoop News

Learning Tip of the Month

Raising a Healthy and Responsible Digital Citizen

Experts agree that the time children spend on digital devices should be limited. At the same time, all kids need access to quality technology to thrive in a rapidly changing digital world.

So, how do you help your child use their digital time responsibly—help them take care of themselves and show responsibility towards others online?

Start a conversation with your children about responsible behavior online. This discussion will educate them and foster their future safety. Read each statement to your child and then discuss the possible answers to the questions following each statement.

I never tell anyone my full name online.
Discuss: How does this show that you are responsible for yourself?

I never share things about my friends online.
Discuss: How does this show you are responsible for your community?

I don’t post or share information online if I’m not sure it’s true.
Discuss: How does this show you are responsible for how your actions impact the world?

More Resources: supports families with the reviews and advice they need to make smart choices in the digital age. is created for parents by the American Academy of Pediatricians. This site has an easy-to-use tool to establish a Family Media Plan.