Kid Scoop News


From Essay Contest to the White House

Veronica Talbert won the Free Lance-Star’s Hometown Heroes essay contest and then went on to become Kid Scoop’s National Writing Contest Winner. Winning meant she had the opportunity to interview a National Difference Maker. Her interview with horse trainer Clinton Anderson appeared in hundreds of newspapers.

So when the White House was looking for student reporters to attend Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! launch, Kid Scoop News knew who to send.

“It was pretty cool,” said Veronica. “I was pretty nervous at first!”

C-SPAN video

During the town hall, Veronica said, “I raised my hand to ask the question: “Is there any way we could get the ‘Let’s Move!’ logo to become a ‘seal of approval’ on healthy food items?” Unfortunately, I didn’t get picked.”

The event was covered live on C-SPAN and Mrs. Obama shook Veronica’s hand at the conclusion of the event.

Veronica added, with a chuckle, “The best part of my White House experience was wearing neon-green shoelaces to the White House while shaking First Lady Michelle Obama’s hand!”