Kid Scoop News


Kid Scoop News and School Closures

As you can imagine, figuring out how to provide children with monthly copies of Kid Scoop News when schools are closed is a challenge.

During this unprecedented time, we at Kid Scoop News are committed to supporting our teachers and families and to promoting a love of reading in children—to Awaken the Magic of Reading.

Distributing Kid Scoop News During School Closures:

Our team spent most of Monday and Tuesday communicating with teachers, school district administrators and principals about how we could get Kid Scoop News to students who need it—particularly the huge percentage of kids who do NOT have access to internet and computers.

At first schools were receptive to the idea of us delivering the papers to the sites where children pick up “Grab and Go” meals.

But in about 24 hours, the fast-evolving landscape changed. School leadership explained that districts could not allow anyone on campus other than food and staff needed for food distribution.

We also asked teachers if they could use a digital version of Kid Scoop News. I wasn’t sure what the response would be, as on previous annual teacher surveys, more than 96% of our teachers told us that it is very important for the publication to be in print and that they were not interested in a digital version.

This week, that changed as well. In the survey we sent out to teachers on Monday, more than 70% said they would welcome a digital version. This quote from one teacher reflects what many said:

“Under these circumstances, digital delivery would work really well for my students. Every time I handed out the paper version they would cheer. I think if I passed it along to them digitally it would be something like seeing an old friend again!”

As such, we are working on a digital version of our April issue.

Watch for more information from us. And, as always, feel free to contact me with any questions and/or ideas!

Thank you as always for your partnership to Awaken the Magic of Reading in our children. As you so well know, reading is key to a child’s success in school and in life.

I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well.


Vicki Whiting
Executive Director
Kid Scoop News

P.S. We are now posting “daily learning at home activities” on the Kid Scoop News Facebook page.

We have also set up a website where teachers and families can download mini-workbooks created from Kid Scoop pages. If you have children looking for fun learning activities, check it out here.